
Connect colored walls to the center before time runs out! Use the colored pieces to create a path between the center block to their same-colored walls. Complete the required number of connections in time to advance to the next level.

Stylus Control

Using the stylus is easy - simply drag a piece from the right to wherever you wish to place it on the board! If you wish to rotate the piece before placing it, either tap on it before dragging it onto the board, or press the "Select" (center) button of your 5-way. Lift the stylus from the screen and the piece will be placed onto the board.

Key Control

Use the up and down of the 5-way to highlight one of the pieces on the right (shown by the orange highlight). Press the "Select" button (5-way center) to rotate the currently highlighted piece. To bring a piece onto the board, press the 5-way left, or use the "Switch" button (Button 3 by default) to switch the piece on or off the board. Use the 5-way to move the piece about the board. Press the 7 key to rotate the piece on the board. Press Select to set the piece in place.

How to Play

Choose from one of the three regular pieces available on the right by tapping on it or using the 5-way to select it. Drag the piece across to where you wish to place it on the board using the stylus (you will see a highlight showing where it will be placed), or press "Left" (5-way left by default) to move the piece to the board, then choose a position and set it in place.

If you make a mistake, press the undo button to return the piece to its original location. Be careful however. If you create a connection by mistake, you cannot undo it!

The fourth location for pieces at the right contains bonus pieces, which you earn as you place pieces onto the board. The number below this location indicates how many special pieces you have in reserve. To use a bonus piece, simply place it as you would a normal piece!

Marathon Mode

Marathon mode is much more relaxed. You have unlimited time to play, but in order to level up you must create a connection to each of the four edges. You can do this in any order, and it doesn't matter if you connect an edge more than once (but it will only count once!).

Timed Mode

At the start of each level, the game will tell you the number of connections you will need to make in order to level up. The catch have to do it against the clock! As you place pieces and create larger blocks, you will receive extra time, but you have to work quickly. It doesn't matter which edges you create connections to however, you can create them to the same edge multiple times if you need to, and it will still count towards your goal.

Special Pieces

The Eraser: The eraser piece can be used to remove any single stone of the smallest size. To use it, drag or place the piece onto a single square stone (it cannot be used on larger blocks), and the small stone will be removed.

Wild Pieces: Wild pieces are exactly that - wild card pieces that match with any color, these can be used to create connections with any other blocks (although they cannot combine to create larger blocks). Use these to make multiple connections at once and score big points!

Paint Bucket: The Paint Bucket is a special piece that will spread out from the square you select to fill up to eight of the surrounding squares with wild pieces.

Hourglass: The Hourglass will always show up embedded in another piece, and only in Timed mode. Creating a connection which includes this piece will stop the timer for a short period of time.

Score Multiplier: The Score Multiplier appears as a star, and will always show up embedded in a piece. When used in a connected path, it will double your score for the completed path. If you have more than one star in your completed path, they will all count towards your score!

Bomb: The bomb will always show up embedded in a piece. When used in a connected path, the bomb will explode and clear the entire board - use it carefully, and use it wisely!

Fire Pot: The Fire Pot appears occasionally in the center of the board. To use it, simply tap on it or use key controls to select it (place a piece onto it - this will not use the piece, but instead activate the Fire Pot). Using the Fire Pot will clear all the single pieces from the board, but leave any larger blocks intact.


Rack up points early by creating long paths with large color blocks before completing the connection. This will become more difficult at higher levels.

Make some larger blocks which are connected to the edge on earlier levels, but don't connect them until after you level up in order to take advantage of the extra points!

Save Eraser pieces until you really need to clear a connection path, but remember they will not remove any part of a large block.

Plan your Wild Pieces carefully, and try to use them to create two different colored paths if your board is very full. Use a Paint Bucket in areas near to two different paths - it may connect and fill in both paths.

The Undo feature will not undo a move that resulted in a completed path!

In later levels, try to only create quick and direct paths between walls and center, as the board will become full very quickly.

If your timer is running low, quickly complete paths to the center so that the timer will refill

Save the Fire Pot until your board is very cluttered, as it could save you from a very sticky situation!

If a piece consists of two colors, try to place it in an area where you can easily make connections with both colors.

Edges change colors as you level up. Pieces and existing incomplete paths that connect to the edge will change to match the new color. Pieces left on the board which are not connected to an edge when you level up might not be the right color afterwards.